PBS Help

The best way to contact someone is to fill out the PBS Bid Inquiry form on Deltanet. A copy is sent to the Delta PBS Administrator as well as the ALPA PBS Committee.

PBS Bid Inquiry Form on Deltanet

Reserve Pay Calculator:

This is a tool that allows you to enter current months information (as well as vacation time, CQ time, etc.) to see how many x days and SC days you’ll have for the month as well as an estimation of your reserve pay . This was created to help answer e-mails with reserve questions. This may not cover every scenario and is offered on a use at your own risk basis.

PBS Reserve Pay (Excel Spreadsheet)
PBS Reserve Pay (Html Version)

Reserve Line Simulator:

This is a tool that allows you to switch days from X to R and see how many work days you have used in a row, X day blocks, etc. This was created to help answer e-mails with reserve questions. This may not cover every scenario and is offered on a use at your own risk basis.

PBS reserve line simulator in Excel
Online version of PBS Reserve simulator